Wednesday, 22 January 2014


My intended message and concept began with bullying and leaded kind of into depression and how eventually the hurtful words used by others will add up and haunt your thoughts until eventually you feel like you may be drowning in them.The water is still and the girl isn't fighting it because after a while she had given up on getting people to notice her struggles. The other people walking are unnoticing and blurred because the girl is so caught up in her self hatred that she can't be bothered to memorize facial feature.

For my procedure: I filled a fish tank with water, brought out to the hallway and took a photo of it, I also took some photos of students walking and got the photo of the drowning girl from the internet. I later uploaded them to phtotoshop. The water was originally the same colour as the floor so I filled it in with the brush tool on low opacity to make it seem more tinted and water-like. I also used the text tool to add the words the girl is drowning in and i blurred the people out with gaussian blur.

I learned A LOT about how to use photoshop and adjusting tools. I am happy with my end result to some degree, I wasn't expecting it to turn out the way it did but I quite like it.